TIM & VASS (the original Verrecchia brothers) once invited me at the famous club LE PARIS PARIS to see beauty and beast ANIA CHORABIK... along with CHRISTOPHE JARREAU (GEDEON) we loved the beast and wanted to work with the beauty... (or maybe the other way around...)

6 month later... 3 friends, 3 great cameramen shot this video with me... during another club performance of upcoming ROCK ELECTRO singer ANIA. 4 cameras ... one take... one music video... we were in the club part of the performance. Produced by GEDEON, CHRISTOPHE GRAILLOT, JULIEN PEUBLE, PIERRE COLLET (ZIGGY) were behind the PD150's. Then used and abused MARCO DI SANTO (PARISPARIS art director) as part of the film (the photographer) and the VERRECCHIA BROTHER (Ania's producers).

Manu Faure spent 6 days editing and their it was... ANIA BECAME MISS MONROE... and we loved doing it...

check it out here

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